The 4th Session in A-Nation
The name who has awaken the entire pop world. Tohoshinki, their popularity and talent are growing rapidly. After making debut in 2005, they’re experiencing a steady high-speed growth until now. In August a-nation 09 held in Nagai stadium (29th, 30th), as reported by Korea Daily News, they would make the 4th times appearance. In addition of the first concert at Tokyo Dome which turned to be successful, Tohoshinki, for has been noticed, is running their very own “best summer”.
A Crushing Force
Tohoshinki is having their sweeping attack. Yunho, the leader, “We just happened to finally realize that our popularity is growing high recently. It’s an unbelievable feeling. Thank you very much for that.” he said in wide smile. Hero Jejung who is responsible as the main vocal of the group explained what it means by just realizing their popularity. “More people now could suddenly aware of our appearance” he said. “Before, when I had no make up on, I could walk around without everyone notice, but now, even when I’m wearing a hat to undercover, people just suddenly knows. For example, when I’m in convinience store, I could hear people starts to questioning who is me, like ‘Don’t you think he’s just like TVXQ member?’ and another one will say ‘No, he couldn’t be!’” Jejung laughed. “But I better pretend not to hear anything.”
The desire for the 5th stage
Does not lose the original intention even when popularity and capability are zooming
The most eye-catching thing among the members is the increasing number of male fans. “We heard for this year, the number of male fans who get interest to us is increasing plentifully. They said we had good songs. I must say, as an artist, this is overjoyed me much.” Yunho said. However, as an idol group, there’s one possible thing that can’t be avoidable. Following an increasing popularity, is a rapid decreasing of privacy. “We can’t have a truly rest day. There’s no day where you can actually relax all day.” (Hero Jejung), good thing that all members are still in their beginning 20 years old. It’s an agony for popular stars, however, “The hard moments when we have to work all day, abandoning our resting time, yet when we come up the stage in many regions to see a lot of people coming to our concert… the hard times are swept away.” (Park Yuchon) said to keep on faithful day by day. Since 2004 in Japan, five of them are still living together in a mansion in Tokyo downtown. “We talk about a lot of things. We talk about music, about game, about anything people in their 20 years talking. There’s always Junsu who keeps telling jokes. No matter what, we always want to be like this, the five of us. Things we’re impossible to do alone, becomes possible when we all five people do together.” Yunho said proudly about the good teamwork in them.
Hero Jejung on behalf of other 5 members talked about the 5th a-nation, “It’s a great show with a lot of artists performing, there are many people who are not our fans as well. How we can live up the stage with our power, that’s the burden of this big stage.” Yunho added, “Also there are many collaboration stages we can’t do with a lot of artists before, that can be done on this stage. I’m so looking forward to it.” he showed his desire.
Awaken (We’re aiming for a new Tohoshinki’s goal)
Changmin revealed, “Until now, I still have the rookie feeling whenever we perform that never changes.” he told in calm expression of him.
“Of course we’re looking forward to get awards like anyone else. However, to get that, it’s not likely that we will do something we won’t do. We will just work our best, and see how’s the result later. Being number one is not always the most important thing.” Yunho said emphatically.
Ever since January 2008 release “Purple Line” until April this year relese “Share The World”, they already have six continuous Oricon Weekly Chart 1st singles (except planning work). They have become the first foreign artist that record such success. It’s in the end, a result of them not losing their original intention everytime they create a new record album.
source: Nikkan Sports

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Shared by : leader-sshi
Ringkasan :
Kepopuleran THSK yg makin meningkat membuat para member makin sibuk, dan apa yang mereka peroleh saat ini, bukan lah sesuatu yang sejak awal mereka bayangkan.,, Dari mereka yang dulunya gak di kenal menjadi mereka yang sekarang sangat terkenal..,, ( keren yah..,,)
Yang paling keren yaitu, jumlah fans cowok yang makin meningkat ( woooww, bener banget,sekarang banyak fanart buatan fanboys lowh), membuat para member bangga dan senang..,,
Performance di A-Nation nanti juga bakal ada performance gabungan dengan artis lain ( woooooowwwww !!!!) dan itu membuat para member makin antusias..,,
Bagi THSK, mendapat award memang penting..,, Tapi bukan yang paling utama..,, Yang paling penting adalah berusaha keras, dan hasilnya lihat saja nanti,.. Begitu kata Yunho sang leader..,,
THSK merupakan artis luar [luar Jepang] pertama yang berturut – turut sampai 6 kali berada di peringkat pertama tangga lagu Oricon..,, Mereka memang yang terbaik..,,
Ringkasan + shared by : leader-sshi
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