Friday, January 08, 2010

[ADMIN] Move

I move to

Since there are some Admin there, I think it'll be better if I togater with them then alone here ^^

Please go there...

Gomen for this inconvenience T.T


Hayyyyyyyy All....

Aku pindah ke

Aku coba jadi admin di sana, coz disana lebih banyak orang ^^, jadi lebih mudah kelolanya ^^

Kesana ya !!!

Kalian bakal lebih puas ^^


Thursday, January 07, 2010

[PIC] Yunho random pic ^^

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

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[TRANS] 100106 Kim Junsu Sets New Record - All 15 "Mozart!" Performances Sold Out

Su2…… Kamu pasti kerja keras yah untuk performance ini ^^….

But, please keep healthy ^^

My Dolphin-Oppa should enough rest now ^^


TVXQ's Xiah Junsu (Kim Junsu) created a new record in the acting industry.

All the dates for Kim Junsu's performances in the musical "Mozart!", where he plays the lead character, have been sold out. Kim Junsu will be acting in 15 of the 41 performances and in a short span of time, all 45,000 tickets have been sold out.

When news came out that Kim Junsu would has been confirmed for the role, it could already be seen that his "power" was beyond that of others. During the first ticket sales, his fans bought 6,000 tickets in under an hour, and not only did all the tickets sell out within two hours when the second ticket sales started, his fans also caused the site to crash. During the third and fourth sales, although tickets to Kim Junsu's performances were sold at a different time, all the tickets sold out under three hours, despite slow internet speed due to high traffic.

This is a situation that has not been seen in a long time, even with Jo Seung Woo performing. Although other artists from Super Junior (Kangin, Heechul, Yesung, Sungmin), Girls' Generation (Jessica), Big Bang (Daesung, Seungri) and FT Island (Hongki, Jaejin) participated in musicals, such tremendous results were not seen.

A musical actor needs to have the ability to dance, sing and act all at the same time, and doubts that were raised over the choice of Kim Junsu, an idol singer who does not have any experience in musicals, were eradicated by this evidence of Kim Junsu's ticket power.

Sell-out ticket sales is not the only benefit of having an idol star participate. Because of Kim Junsu, those in their teens and twenties are more concerned about "Mozart!" and there is a growing interest in musicals. This helps in boosting overall sales of tickets as they develop an interest in watching the other actors' performances as well.

Representative of EMK Musical Company, as well as Producer from "Mozart!", Um Hong-hyeon also expressed that this is an opportunity to expand the audience market for musicals to include those in their late teens and early twenties.

"Mozart!", the most highly anticipated production for the first half of 2010, will be performed at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts from 20 January until 20 February 2010.

Source: [newsculture.TV]
Chinese source: [baidutvxq]
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[Trans] 100107 TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho Visits Grandmother In Hospital

Wahhhhhhhhhhh… Yunho memang selalu menjadi artis yang dapat dicontoh…. Setelah sebelumnya ikut serta dalam amal lewat pembelian kalung Bvlgari ^^, sekarang YUnho mengunjungi neneknya di Rumah Sakit…..

Mnegapa “mengunjungi nenek di RS” bisa dianggap hal yang keren???…. Karena memang di Korea, mengunjungi seseorang di RS cukup susah karena butuh persyaratan yang cukup panjang (long-term procedur)….


TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho is garnering attention for visiting the JangsungHyo Love Hospital in Jeolla Province during the afternoon of the 6th to give his greetings for the New Year.

U-Know Yunho was there to visit his grandmother at the hospital as soon as he returned from his activities in Japan.

U-Know Yunho, who went to visit his grandmother at the hospital despite his busy schedule, gave the elderly at the hospital rice cakes and drinks and is said to have had a great time with them.
The reason that U-Know Yunho’s visit is in the spotlight is because not many family members visit patients due to the nature of the long-term hospital so he is being seen as a role model for his visit there.

On the other hand, TVXQ, in which U-Know Yunho is a member, ranked as the most searched artiste at the Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2009 and solidified their popularity overseas as well as in Korea.

Source: [maeil newspaper+DNBN]
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[Trans] 100106 Kikuchi PD’s Blog Update

Oke2. yang aku tangkap dari berita ini, bakal ada Music Fair yang isinya merangkum semua penampilan Tohoshinki di Music Fair sebelumnya, dan sang PD juga ingin menambahkan performance2 yang di Music Fair sebelumnya di cut alias dipotong …. Tapi gOMEn yah, kalo salah terjemahannya, coz mmg blog update sari para PD susah dimengerti T.T…. Tar aku cari berita selanjutnya ^^…


- omitted -

Things about Tohoshinki
there has been a lot of says
I (we) are not in any position to speak anything

But at least we can get you the best performance edition,
which will have its TV broadacst in “MUSIC FAIR” on the 14th.

17 original songs + cover x 12 collaboration songs
= 29 songs (Jejung & Yuchun is included)

We start to think whether those digests which can not be broadcast,can be inserted
And now it will come true…

- omitted -



source: kikuchi pd’s blog
trans: sharingyoochun

[NEWS] Most anticipated artist which born in Tiger’s year

Seperti yang sudah2 di kabarkan, Yunho, Jae,,Micky, Su semuanya masuk di tahun Macan, meski berdasarkan tahun China, Yunho masuk ke tahun Ox alias tahun Kerbau… ^^

Dan berdasarkan survey oleh High Cut Magz (majalah yang kita tahu, sangat “suka” dengan Yunho)(From the 20th to the 27th of December) , Yunho menempati posisi pertama sebagai Artis yang paling “Most Anticipated tahun 2010” di antara artis2 kelahiran tahun Tiger (tahun 1986) ^^

Diikiuti posisi kedua yaitu leader SS501 Kim hyungjoon, lalu Lee Seung gi yang kita tahu merajai dunia iklan tahun 2009 dan juga BoA, artis cewe yang gag pernah ‘mati”….

high cut rank

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

[TRANS] 100106 Bigeast Fan Mail

Happy new year, Bigeasts.
Please support us this year, too.

* 2010 New Year Greeting Card
We have sent out the new year greeting cards to those who have become the member of Bigeast by December 13, 2009.

(few sentences omitted)

*Bigeast Magazine Vol.15
We are currently producing the Bigeast Magazine Vol 15, and we will send you the magazine around the middle of February.
We are sorry to keep you waiting, please wait awile.
We will inform you once we finish the shipment of the magazine.

(few sentences omitted)

>>>2010/01/05 Sent by Bigeast Office


Source: Bigeast Office
Translation: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[TRANS] 100105 Hangeng reportedly will not be present for SJ’s concert(s) in China; fans refund the

a little news about SuJu’s Hangeng T.T

*absen untuk Super Show II di Sahnghai nanti T.T

sepertinya masalah bertambah parah …. T.T

bahkan masalah TVXQ tidak sampai membuat Mirotic Concret (yang terjadwal sebelumnya, minus Shenzen~ tak terjadwal oleh Member ^^) terhenti ……

Ganbatte SuJU ^^ Ganbatte Hangeng….. I think Teuki bakal stress T.T….


Recently at Hunan TV’s countdown concert, Super Junior M made a special appearance, but while fans were pleasantly surprised at their presence, the seven-member unit was missing their leader, Hangeng.

Hangeng’s case will be heard in court on the 8th of January, in Korea. If the court approves, Hangeng will be free as early as March of this year. His lawyer has confirmed that Hangeng will temporarily be absent from all activities to do with SM Entertainment.

From Hangeng’s fan site, it has been learnt that he will most likely be absent from the Beijing stop of SUPER SHOW II, on the 23rd of January. The ticketing company has also started to refund tickets.

On the 31st of December 2009, Super Junior M’s performance was the highlight of Hunan TV’s countdown concert. Fans quickly noticed leader Hangeng’s absence, and only the other six members sang their signature songs during the performance.

Hangeng’s lawyer has explained that Hangeng is currently on vacation, and will temporarily not be attending any events. One reason is that Hangeng does not feel well and wants to rest properly. Also, not coming into contact with SME means that there will be lesser chance of more conflict. The other reason is that since he has filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment, his lawyer’s advice is to stay away from any SME affiliated events.

(Repetitive part about lawsuit omitted)

On the 10th of January, Super Junior will begin their Asia tour with their Shanghai stop, and will hold their Beijing concert on the 23rd of the same month. Previously there were rumours that the lawsuit was only a publicity stunt for the Beijing concert stop. The concert-organizing unit has already addressed the issue by saying that “there is no need for such publicity, the tickets have already been sold out”.

It also claimed that everything is going smoothly, and they have not received any news about Super Junior or Hangeng not coming to Beijing for the concert. Yesterday, information from Hangeng’s Baidu bar (T/N: basically a huge forum like place for Chinese fans) revealed that fans have been clamouring for ticket refunds, stating: “Because Hangeng’s participation for the Beijing concert is not certain, tickets can be refunded by the ticketing management. Ticket refunding is a personal choice, please think twice before making a decision”.

Fans have responded that refunding their tickets is the most practical way to support Hangeng: “(We) Support! Geng-fan (Hangeng fans) should refund their tickets, that’s the best way to support Hangeng! Don’t allow SM to take advantage of the situation and say that even without Hangeng, the fans are still supportive.”

Translated by: theretroradio
Translation sourced from: omonatheydidnt

[TRANS] 100106 SM Entertainment To Continue Global Auditions

SM masih tetap mengadakan SM Global Audition ya ???

Padahal masih ada masalah denagn TVXQ dan SuJu’s Hangeng, tetep ajah mgadain SM Global Audition …..

Sedikit menyebalkan T.T


T/N: Just FYI

SM Entertainment, the company that manages BoA, TVXQ and Super Junior, will be holding their "2010 SM Entertainment Global Auditions in Korea" from 16 January to 21 February.

This time, the auditions will be held in 11 regions across the nation, like Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Gwangju, Incheon & Suwon.

SM Entertainment said, "The global auditions which will be held in Asia and the United States, will begin with the auditions held in Korea." They also said that "the first global auditions was held in 2006, and Super Junior's Henry and f(x)'s Amber were contracted through these auditions".

They said that age or nationality does not matter, and the departments that Asian candidates can apply for comprise singing, dancing, acting, modelling and composition.

Source: [Wow!Korea]
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[NEWS] 100106 This Year's Male Talents To Look Out For?

SS501's leader, Kim Kyunjoong, born in 1986, was chosen as 2010's number 1 talent to look out for, for those born in the Year of the Tiger.

This is the result, released on 6 January, of the survey "This year's top Tiger-born talent to keep your eyes on?" held by the community portal site [DC Inside] ( from 29 December 2009 to 5 January 2010.

From 10,636 votes received in total, Hyunjoong received 2,890 votes (27.2%). Second place went to Heo Young Saeng, from the same group, who received 1,894 (17.8%) of the votes.

Third place went to 2AM's Changmin who received 739 (6.9%) of the votes. In addition, the rest of the ranking follows with: Daniel Choi 721 votes (6.8%), TVXQ's Yoochun (Micky) 639 votes (6%), TVXQ's Yunho 581 votes (5.5%), Yoon Shi Yoon 529 votes (5%).

Reporter: Moon Wan Shik

Source: [chosunonline]
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[NEWS] Marimo menyebutkan Yunho sebagai pasangan idealnya ~~~

Marimo, yang katanya adalah model Poopteen (salah satu majalah fashion remaja) yang terkenal menyatakan bahwa Yunho adalah pasangan idealnya untuk kencan….



Wuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. gomen miss, but Yunho is Jae’s ^^

[NEWS] ADwaple Commercial rank

Berdasarkan atas pollingnya dengan judul “trend iklan Korea Selatan tahun 2009”, yang diikuti hampir 1juta orang, menghasilkan DBSK sebagai peringkat pertama dengan 30.5%; SNSD dengan peringkat kedua dengan 20.8%; SuJu di tempat k3 dengan poll 17.9% dan SS501 dengan 15.2%…..

Rangking ini membuktikan bahwa DBSK memiliki tempat dihati masyarakat Korea… (di Jepang juga ^^, lihat ajah iklan oronamin dan pingky yang mendapat sambutan “GILA” dari Biggeast ^^)

[NEWS] Peringkat searching naik drastis untuk Akhir tahun 2009 ke awal tahun 2010

Wooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww, peringkat searching Tohoshinki naik drastis di awal tahun 2010 ini….

Mungkin alasannya bisa karena penampilan mereka di Kouhaku Uta Gassen, maupun kabar bubarnya mereka seperti yang dikabarkan Sports Nippon (yang bikin aku hampir gila T.T)

searchrank end year

(wuitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, tajem banged naiknya, membuktikan bahwa Tohoshinki memang populer, ckckck)

[NEWS] Harang and Xiahky gave birth for cute puppies… ^^

Woooooooowwwwww, Harang dan Xiahky alias YooSu’s Doggie udah beranak ^^

Buat Harang, ini merupakan pengalaman pertamanya melahirkan anak2 anjing…. sedang untuk Xiahky, tentu saja sudah yang kedua ^^

Anak anjingnya juga dijual lho, tapi mahal bangedh, sekitar 600.000 won T.T

Emmmmm, poto puppies nya nyusul, coz puppies nya masih terlalu kecil ^^


(yang atas “ Xiahky” yang bawah “Harang”)

Congrats YooSu ^^, both of u being a grandfather now ^^

[News] 100105 The Three Options for TVXQ

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, jangan terlalu di ambil hati ya artikel ini…

Ini cuma sekedar review dari My Daily, bukan pernyataan official dari AVEX, SM maupun para member ^^


(an excerpt from article my MyDaily Korea)

Ever since 3 TVXQ members Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu filed an application disposition to terminate their exclusive contract effect, the future of TVXQ is not yet resolved. For all TVXQ fans who wish the group not to be disbanded, this ongoing period is sure a stuffy situation.
However from the recent happenings about this group, seems that there are three possible choices TVXQ may needs to choose in the future.
1. The expiration contract with AVEX in following June and a farewell concert which will be their last concert both in Japan and Korea (we all know the farewell concert is from Sports Nippon article. MyDaily also put the official stand from both AVEX and SM which denied this, but to see the fact TVXQ contract does actually expire in June, this option is seen as possible).
2. Since now the name of Dong Bang Shin Ki is owned by SM, so there’s a chance that the group will continue to work separately as 3:2 team in Korea, however for activities in Asian market including Japan, they’ll team up as five members to work together.
3. The option that most of TVXQ fans wish, having a final reconciliation and a dramatic agreement.
Since SM Entertainment has always been saying, “We want the 3 TVXQ members to return, and let’s having a frank talk together.”, there’s always a chance for both parties to be able to form an amicable settlement before any legal decision shall be made. This is indeed what the fans desperately wish for.

source: mydaily
sum trans: sharingyoochun

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

[TRANS] 100103 Korean Music Used As Cultural & Tourism Product To Attract Japanese Tourists

Wooooooooowwwwwwwwww, keren sekali ya tak tik yang dipakai untuk meng’iklan’kan Seoul…… ho ho ho

Dengan memakai Mozart yang tentunya menjadi banyak perhatain karena Xiah Junsu ikut di casting di dalamnya, tentunya bakal menarik banya fans Jepang untuk datang nonton,,, sekalian deh, ceritakan dan sebarkan pesona Seoul ho ho ho

Xiah Junsu memang memikat……. Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,, Su…… My Dolphin Oppa, I love u ^^



It has been observed that Korean music is being used as a product to attract Japanese tourists, and the Korean musical 'Mozart!' has garnered the most attention.

The tourists who come to appreciate Korean music not only get to participate in performances in Seoul by K-pop artists, but also get a chance to experience Korea's cultural performances.

On 28 December 2009, with the headline "Most Attention Drawn To Korean Musical In 2010" (T/N: Translated according to the Japanese headlines), the poster, cast photos and holiday schedules for 'Mozart!' were published on the front page of a Japanese newspaper.

The article discussed the collaboration between the Japanese media and the Korean Tourism Agency through the musical 'Mozart!', as well as useful topics on Korea's tourism industry like shopping, beauty and food. It also stated that the musical garnered a lot of attention because TVXQ member, Junsu, who is extrememly popular in Japan, was casted in the musical.

Not only in Korea, there are also a lot of people in Japan who have shown interest in the musical 'Mozart!'

Comprising of a 28 person strong classical orchestra, impressive stage design and more than 500 extravagant costumes, the musical will kick off on 20 January 2010, at the Sejong Cultural Center Grand Theater.

Source: [baidutvxq]
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[NEWS] Japan Ads in Korea

japan ads

"We will always love TVXQ, Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho, we will always support them.
We will wait for the day when they can show us heartfelt smiles on their faces."

[NEWS] Kouhaku rating for each singer ^^

Apa yang perlu digaris bawah i ??????? peningkatan rating tentunya ^^

Sbenernya agak sedikit aneh juga ya..,, gimana cara nya menghituung rating tiap performer ?????

Khan susah, Tohoshinki sendiri hanya menyanyi sekitar 2-4 menitan…… hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. apalagi EXILE cuma dapet segitu doank ?????? padahal EXILE khan okeh tuh T.T, terkenal juga khan di Jepang ????

Ahhhhh, peduli amat, yang penting rating naikkkkkkkkk ^^


35.7% flumpool
35.8% NYC boys
36.5% EXILE
36.5% Mori Shinichi
36.7% Itsuki Harashi
37.9% Hose Akira
38.5% Porno Grafitty
38.5% TOKIO
39.0% Alice
39.2% Kitayama Takeshi
39.2% Zero
39.2% Tokunaga Hideaki
39.7% Remioromen
40.9% Hosokawa Takashi
41.2% Yusuke
41.5% Yuzu
41.7% Mikawa Kenichi
41.7% Kobukuro
42.9% Fukuyama Masaharu
43.0% Hikawa Kiyoshi
43.2% Arashi
48.6% Kitajima Saburo
48.7% SMAP

Rising 0.5 % from last year perf ^^



33.7% Hamasaki Ayumi
36.1% Tendo Yoshimi
36.5% AKB48
37.0% Ikimonogakari
37.0% Nakamura Mitsuko
37.0% Kawanaka Miyuki
37.0% Wada Akiko
38.0% Mitsumori Kaori
38.4% Mizuki Nana
39.7% Nakajima Mika
39.9% Hirahara Ayaka
39.9% Kimura Kaera
41.0% aiko
41.5% Angela Aki
42.0% Ootsuka Ai
42.4% Kodai Natsuko
42.4% Koda Kumi
42.9% Kobayashi Sachiko
43.0% perfume
43.7% Ishikawa Sayuri
44.6% Shikamoto Hoyumi
46.9% Ayaka
50.1% dreams come true


credit: 2ch + dnbn
shared by : leader-sshi

Monday, January 04, 2010

[INFO] 100104 BREAK OUT! Sold Out in HMV Japan



Gag mustahil khan bisa mencapai 500,000 copies project ^^



BREAK OUT! Both CD+DVD & CD-only Versions Also SOLD OUT at HMV Japan


(click for bigger !!!)

Only a few days after all the versions of the BREAK OUT! single have been sold out at the Mu-Mo online shop, now it's HMV Japan's turn.

Source: HMV Japan
Credits: OneTVXQ
Shared by: Maiken@oneTVXQ

[PIC] Bigeast 2010 New Year Card


Happy New Year ! (Yoochun)

January 1, 2010 (Changmin)

Happy New Year (Junsu)

It’s already 2010 (Jaejoong)

みんなが Happy になれるようねがっています~ ~♡
I wish that everybody will be happy~♡ (Yunho)

source: Bigeast Office + chara
translation: smiley @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[TRANS] 100103 Tohoshinki - "All 5 Members Will Be Active" In Japan

In response to the news that the popular Korean group Tohoshinki has disbanded, AVEX said, "There has been no change in plans for the 5 members to continue working together."

Last year, 3 of the 5 members, including Jejung (23), had conflict with their management company when they filed to suspend their long-term, exclusive contract. Their activities in Korea are on hiatus, but the 5 members are still performing together in Japan.

Even so, at last year's New Year's Eve Kouhaku Uta Gassen, it was observed that the 2 members including the leader, Yunho (23), appeared to be unmotivated, and viewers were exposed to the deepening rift between the members.

Source: [nikkansports]
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[TRANS] 100103 Han Geng's Case For Contract Termination To Begin 8 Jan, Earliest Date That He Can Regain Freedom Is March


SuJu sepertinya mendapat sedikit masalah dengan kasus Hangeng T.T

Terutama SuJu-M, yang ternyata harus tampil dengan 6 personil pada acara New Year Eve’s di Hunan TV T.T


On 1 January 2010, midnight, popular idol group Super Junior-M made an appearance at the Hunan TV New Year's Eve concert, with the sole exception of their leader Han Geng, causing the fans to say that they feel "pained" about it. It was revealed to the media that Han Geng's case for termination of his contract will being on 8 January in the Korean courts, and Han Geng had already previously submitted documents to request for "suspension of contract agreement" as well as request to "void the contract". According to Han Geng's representative for this law suit, Attorney Lee, to prevent SM Entertainment from dragging out the case, Han Geng had especially requested for a "suspension of contract agreement", and if this was awarded by the courts, Han Geng will be able to regain his freedom this year, March, soonest.

At the end of last year, SJ-M's leader, Han Geng, suddenly filed a law suit against his Korean management company, SM Entertainment, and caused the postponement or cancellation of many SJ-M activities. They had already signed a contract agreement with Hunan TV for the New Year's Eve special before the law suit, thus all 7 members were expected to attend. However, only the remaining 6 members participated, and it could be seen that their spirits were a little low. Attorney Lee revealed that Han Geng personally felt that his health is in bad condition, and as he is taking a rest for now, he will not be attending any activities.

Source: [Korea Sohu]
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[PIC] Bigeastation #144


Yunho “Thank you for everything! It’s all finally over, and I feel really sad, however ‘Bigeastation’ will remain in our heart forever. Everyone~ have a good time~”



Jejung, “Everyone, thank you for all this 2 years and 9 months! I had shown my best power in this program!! Now, eventhough it’s sad that it has to end, we would like to greet everyone again with even newer TOHO!! Please wait for it~!! See You~”



Yuchun, “Having been receiving so many love from everyone, I feel really grateful. Truly thanks. Let’s meet again.”



Junsu, “For everyone who keep on listening this program every week in past 3 years, I’d like to thank truly from my heart. Because the encouragement from all of you, I guess that’s one that helped me to come this far. In order not to be defeated by the love from everyone, I will work even more and more harder.”



Changmin, “In this three years, I’ve been really happy~ Thank you~☆”

credit: jfn
trans + shared by: sharingyoochun


P.S :

Note from SYC, which attract me :

Yunho thumb up left
Jaejoong thumb up right
Yoochun both hands in the pocket
Junsu peace sign left
Changmin peace sign right (left too I think ^^)

^__^I think the pics were not taken at the same time (see the chairs that exist in JaeChunSu pictures but not in HoMin, not mention the pile of script on the TV?), but … well, we cant ask much in this kind of situation, can we?



Ha ha ha they still have the same feel even they seperate by place ^^…

Far across the distance but near in heart ^^


[TRANS] Tohomobile

100101 Tohomobile

Tohomobile NEW YEAR SPECIAL – New Year’s Greetings


Happy New Year.
I am looking forward to 2010 since World Cup is going to take place this year.
I’ll do my best at both singing and soccer.



Happy New Year!
Please take care of us in 2010 too!
I haven’t grown old at all~!!!
I’m a teenager forever



Happy New Year!!
It’s already 2010. ^^
I hope that this year will be full of more happiness.. ^^
Thank you for supporting us!! Always!



Happy New Year ^v^
Please make this year a year that all your wishes will come true.
I will be praying for you~^^



Happy New Year… (:
I wish that in 2010, everyone will be able to become happy~♡…

source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
translation: linhkawaii @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


100101 Tohomobile Staff Blog

Thanks for your work in 2009!


“Thank you very much for your tremendous supports! Thanks for all your works in 2009~ ^^
by Changmin”

Thank you everyone~!


“Although I was very nervous on Kouhaku Utagassen, how was it? The white team also won!! Thank you~! Since we’re also having CDTV~~♪ please take care of us there too☆
by Jaejoong”

I’m happy!


“To be able to receive so much supports this year, I was very happy!! Thank you very much!!
by Junsu”


Melody & Harmony!?

Please have a look at the shoot of the two who had their special unit in 2009☆

They’re Jaejoong & Yoochun of Melody & Harmony (LOL).

It ended~!


“Kouhaku Utagassen has ended smoothly~♪ I’m happy that the white team won☆ Everyone, thanks for your supports!
by Yunho”


We did ittttt~!


“The white team won~!! In order to reach everyone, we were singing with all our might, and Yoochun wonders if his feelings have reached you~? Thank you for 2009!
by Yoochun”


Jaejoong was…
Too happy the white team won that he brought these all the way to CDTV studio (^^; )


It’s New Year Eve~♪
In “CDTV SPECIAL” dressing room

Happy New Year~!
Today is Junsu’s…

The TOP of Tohomobile has also become Junsu♪

Changmin’s wish!

I wish that everyone will be having a lot of happiness♪
2010 is…
The year of Tiger!!

… therefore, we got a shoot of Yoochun like this!
Praying Yunho!
Happy New Year!

In order for everyone’s wish to become true (?), Yunho is praying★


Has ended safely!!

“Thanks for your works in 2009! I’m hoping that someday, I’ll be able to speak of my experiences in 2009 while laughing, that’s why I’ll try my best!
by Junsu”

Since it’s new year, we had a shoot of Yoochun who’s in the middle of praying!!

“Everyone, Happy New Year! I’m hoping that this year, Yoochun will be able to become fresh wind that will bring happiness to everyone!
by Yoochun
Everyone, let’s try to find love~♪
I am lonely~ (T_T)”

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


091230 Tohomobile

Thank you very much!
We received the Excellent Work Award!

Today Changmin’s style makes him look more mature than usual! Changmin got a little embarrassed when the staffs praised him!!
He’s resting right now….

Poor him, we didn’t wake him up so today, instead of Charisma Junsu, please look forward to Resting Junsu (>_<)
Just right before their performance…
We caught Yunho!!

“Thanks to everyone’s support, we are able to receive the Excellent Work Award again this year! Thank you very much~☆ by Yunho”
After their stage ended, Jaejoong gave out a sigh of relief!

“Thanks everyone~~♪ by Jaejoong”
How is it?
Yoochun has a question for everyone.

“How does this Yoochun look??! by Yoochun”
Charisma ver.
For the sake of our nation-wide fans of Charisma Junsu, we also got a hold of the usual Junsu who always explodes with charisma!

In the end Junsu has to be like this right♪
T/N: Just to clarify, since many people seem to be confused. Tohoshinki did not get nominated for today’s awards, but instead they won the Excellent Work Award along with other 10 aritsts at 51st Japan Record Awards. What they did not win today was the Grand Prix Award, which in the end went to EXILE.

source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
translation: linhkawaii @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


091225 Tohomobile

I received an Oronamin C strap ♪


I’m satisfied to hear our voices that came from the strap (^ ㅇ ^)



Thanks ~ ☆

Yunho looks excited to the Oronamin C strap that looks similar to the real Oronamin C bottle itself!


[Thank you ~ ♪ by U-Know]



I received a present!
Feel delightful to receive Oronamin C strap as a gift ☆


[Present that raises up everyone spirit! by Jejung]



It’s wrong, Yuchun!
It’s an Oronamin C’s strap… but your pose w(°o°)w


Yuchun, it is a strap! (laughs)


Please take care of me~♪
Changmin who looks so amazed to listen Tohoshinki singing voice!


[Thank you, please take care my monopoly energetic campaign~! by Changmin]


Merry Christmas ~!!

Do you spend your Christmas with a very special person there?
Let’s create a wonderful memories (^ ^)
Junsu, Yuchun, Jejung, Changmin, Yunho

credit: shooku
trans + shared by: sharingyoochun


091226 Tohomobile

it’s taken on 091225, though, after M-Station live performance



Christmas ☆
Jaejoong had shooting even in Christmas ♪


“Our Christmas present, ‘Stand by U’, what do you think about it? Merry Christmas ♪” by Jejung



Different charisma
Today’s Junsu taking his picture by himself!


He explained that this is his coolest expression on stage, and it would be captured the fullest.. if he took it by himself (laughs)



I got stressed (*_*)
Singing a song in front of many audiences after a long time, Changmin had been very nervous


After finishing the stage, the heart feels a little relieved (^-^)



It’s over!
we also had Christmas shooting with Yunho!


He told us that the sound of your warm cheering, he got such most familiar power from it!



Merry Christmas ♪


“Do everyone spend a joyful Christmas? Happy Merry Christmas☆ by Yuchun”

credit: shooku
trans + shared by: sharingyoochun


2.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

[NEWS] 100103 TVXQ Japan Contract will Expire in June… Afterthat?

Aku kurang bisa menangkap inti dari artikel berita ini..,, Yang jelas habisnya kontrak dengan Avex di Jepang pada bulan Juni ini tentunya bakal membuat SM Ent maupun ketiga member TVXQ JaeChunSu untuk berpikir lebih bijaksana lagi….

Hemmmmmmmm,kita hanya bisa berharap kedua belah pihak dapat kembali berunding secara damai dan mendapatkan jalan akhir yang menguntungkan keduanya ^^, sehingga permasalahan ini segera berakhir ^^…

Berharap SM bersedia mengubah kontraknya dan membayar income TVXQ yg mmg belum dibayar, dan JaeChunSu besedia memaafkan dan bekerja kembalai dengan SMEnt yang tentunya dengan kontrak yang sudah diperbaiki ^^



AVEX official gave an official stand related to the chaotic/confusion among TVXQ fans both in Korea and Japan which has been happening after the article about TVXQ already stepped on disbanding procedure was released by Japanese newspapers.

On the 3rd, Nikkan Sports Japan quoted Japanese official from AVEX company, “The policy of TVXQ to work as five members doesn’t yet to change.”

However, as been informed, TVXQ contract with their Japan company AVEX will expire in June. If the contract is not extended from now on, whether TVXQ can continue activities in Japan, it won’t be yet secured.

Currently TVXQ Changmin and Yunho still remain under SM Entertainment while the rest members Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu have left expanding their each individual activities.

Just sometime ago, in Japan TVXQ attended NHK’s year-end award festival Kouhaku Uta Gassen as five members for the first time, however the three members, whose provisional disposition application to terminate exclusive contract against SM

Entertainment was accepted by the Korea court as the issue of court injunction, seem to be more passionate in the performance and there was an unseen tense and emotional conflict with the remaining two members that makes the current situation is impossible to predict.

The problem now is whether SM will extend the contract of the 3 members with AVEX after June. The fact that currently TVXQ is at their peak of popularity in Japan is something that can not be ignored under any condition especially in relation to revenue circumstances.

TVXQ is now in a situation of an attempt to reach into final decision amicably to be able to work together in a long-term in Japan.

credit: Korea Economic Daily
trans: sharingyoochun

[RANK] Kouhaku’s Ratings

kohaku rank

First Half: 37.1% (2008: 35.7%)
Second Half: 40.8% (2008: 42.1%)

kohaku rank 2

Dong Bang Shin Ki ada di 2nd Half……

Dan blok putih menang ^^

Congrats ^^