Friday, August 28, 2009

[NEWS] 090825 Japan-Korea Joint Drama Production Team to Aim Asian Market

The plan to create dramas by the Japan-Korea combination is in the works. The idea is that Eriko Kitagawa, Shizuka Oishi and Miho Nakazonoa, who are all top writers of Japanese drama scripts, are to write scripts casting Korean stars such as TVXQ. All seven parts have been already completed and after this autumn, they are to be aired sequentially in both countries.

By "mutual entry," it deepens the interchange of the people concerned and it is said that the participating parties aim more drama market expansion in Asia in the near future.

There is also the expectation of "breakthrough" in the Korean television industry which has a high regulation for Japanese dramas that are being aired. (Editor: Yoshihiro Kita)

The Japan-Korea telecinema planning meeting was held with Jaejoong from TVXQ, an immensely popular group in Japan, and Korean star Chi Jini, who starred in the popular Korean drama (in Japan) "Oath of Changum" (more info here) and many other popular stars attended. The seven parts of the dramas were created with help from Japanese scriptwriters. A preview starts in August at movie theaters in Seoul, Korea. These dramas will be aired on TV and shown in cinemas after this coming autumn.

Both the Japanese and Korean sides will assemble full force in Seoul in the middle of September, and there will be many promotional events. In Japan, Asahi National Broadcasting will be airing these dramas in the future.

Chief Director Shinnichi Ichikawa of the Association of Japanese Broadcast Writers called for this plan and seven Japanese scripwriters wrote original pieces. The making of the scenes and the photography have been pushed forward from summer last year.

The "taste" of dramas and how productions are lead are considerably different in Japan and in Korea. Sin Hyontek, the chairsperson of Korea / Miwa Networks (in-charge of this production) described that "Koreans love dramas that are alive with tears and laughter. Japanese dramas have this depth that is internal." Also, Korean production is faster than the Japanese.

There are such differences and in the production spot, it was said that the Japanese scriptwriters received Korean supervision and the actors encouraged each other a lot. Chief Director Ichikawa mentioned that "Scriptwriters do not change their scripts easily even if revision is ordered by a supervisor." As a result of some of the "clash," a new charm may have been born between Japan and Korea.

A Korean drama earned popularity in Japan for these past few years and there was the feeling of one-sided unfavourable balance of the trade. Chief Director Ichikawa said, "Korean directors are excellent and their sense of work is very good, too." Japan must make a drama that is acceptable in the whole of Asia in the near future.Triggered by this plan, it is expected that the Japanese and Korean's co-created drama will sell in the whole Asian market.

Source: The Sankei News

Translation: junsulv @

Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Shared by : leader-sshi

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Mereka pakai kata "imensely" yang berarti sangat populer....

Tentu saja.... DBSK is d best..,,


Who don't know DBSK's Jaejoong??? ho ho ho


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