Wednesday, December 16, 2009

[Trans] Keita and Jaejoong “We Are Together”

The following is an excerpt from tokyo fm’s diamond bell radio program (on the 12th) with w-inds.

Keita Tachibana: Talking about Tokyo Tower’s presents, everyone should have some memories with Tokyo Tower right?
Ryohei Chiba: Memories about Tokyo Tower?
Keita Tachibana: Uh-huh
Ryuichi Ogata: Memory about Tokyo Tower…
Ryohei Chiba: Um…
Keita Tachibana: I have one. Once I went to Tokyo Tower with just us 2 guys.
Ryohei Chiba: With Jaejoong right?
Keita Tachibana: Yes, with Jaejoong…
Ryuichi Ogata: Heard you talk about it before.
Ryohei Chiba: With Tohoshinki’s Jaejoong.
Keita Tachibana: Together with Jaejoong, the two of us went to Tokyo Tower, we wanted to take a picture as a souvenir, so we asked people around us “Please help us take a picture.” The people around us asked us questions like “What are you two doing?” So we replied “We are together” (as in a relationship), then that person really came to take the picture. (laughs)
Ryuichi Ogata: You can’t talk like that.
Ryohei Chiba: Its really not funny.
Keita Tachibana: But after that, we honesty tried to explain: “We are just joking, only joking.” This is my memory.

credit: herobar
trans: sharingyoochun


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