Friday, July 17, 2009

[ADMIN] Yunho shout " Wasureta"[I forget / Aku lupa]

Hwaaaaaa, finally I got this video..,, when Yunho say " Wasureta" in TSC Tokyo Dome..,because he forgot the lyrics..,

If I didn's wrong, when they sing "Summer Dream"..,,He did that..,,

He looks so great,,.. cute..,, ah~~~ I don't know what should I say *speechless*

Ah~~~ I want to watch the video..,,,,


Hooooooooohhhh..,, akhirnya ketemu juga video waktu Yunho teriak " Wasureta" alias "Aku Lupa"..,,, Dia lupa syairnya..,, ho ho ho

Biarpun gitu, para fans tetep ajah teriak2 seneng..,, ho ho ho..,, termasuk aku, for me, itu bukan kesalahan, tapi justru keunikan.,, ha ha ha

Kalo gag salah, lahunya "Summer Dream"..,, waktu bagian Yunho, tiba2 " Wasureta"...,,

Jadi gag sabar liat DVD nya..,,


Check it out!!!


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