Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[NEWS] JAEJOONG - no.1 in Korea Naver Search Ranking

Hmmm, I always wonder, I mean, the Boys are not active in Korea, and they top Naver... and JAEJOONG?? why searched That???? 090719 Jaejoong? what happened, *curios* even the boys vacation interest people~


So I seacrhed 090719 재중
it turns Out Jaejoong and Yoochun went out, with their Audi R8 fufufufu, it so HOT! those 2 and their Cars~


Walaupun Tohoshinki saat ini tidak terlalu aktif di Korea, tapi tetep ajah ya bisa di urutan atas daftar Naver Seach..,,

090719 재중??? Kalo penasaran search ajah..,, gambar apaan seeehh???

Nah setelah coba di klik, ternyata itu gambar JJ sama Cunnie gek pegi2 ngisi liburan pake mobil Audi mereka..,, he he he Asik kali yeee..,,,



Credits: TVXQBaidu + DBSKnights + karuzzng
Indo Trans + shared by : leader-sshi


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