67% of the people who participated in the poll are from Thailand
U.S.A.- 5%
Malaysia- 4%
Phillippines- 2%
Canada, Australia, Birtain, Spain, and Singapore- 1%
Other countires- 16%
The following eight were hand-picked messages and selected from oversea countires:
1. I was born in Vietnam and went to see one of your concerts. I hope oppa can come to Vietnam as soon as possible. I love you!
2. I am a Vietnamese fan. I like the five of you, and I hope that UFO Town will soon have UFOs that can be sent in English!
3. I was born in Poland and I have been to one of your concerts. I have a desire to talk to you five, even through e-mail. You are my spiritual support, and I know that many of your fans have the same desire. I hope we can meet in the future!
4. I am from the Czeh Republic. Please come to Europe and have a concert there. Czeh Republic is lovated in the center of Europe. Oppa please come! Oppa deul are the best! Bye!
5. I am French. I love TVXQ alot!
6. I'm from Albania. TVXQ, I love you!
7. I am from Indonesia. Please come here soon oppa deul!
8. I'm from Italy. I will support you, TVXQ, and so will the other Italian fans!
Source: micropoll
Translated by: ♡♥{東方神起}♥♡ @ onetvxq.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ + DBSKnights + leader-sshi
I think the way the called Micropoll a "famous site" is a little bit misleading; Micropoll was merely the host of the poll. The poll was probably conducted at a fansite.
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