TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu have stated that they wish for their lawsuit against SM Entertainment to finish quickly.
Both sides stated their position at the first hearing held on the 21st at 10:20 am.
The members' side pointed out the unlawful problems in their exclusive contract as well as the doubtful income division made by SME.
SME's side stated that they were in red figures for four years after TVXQ debuted, said that they had divided the income well and that what the three members were saying was false.
Both sides stated that they wanted this lawsuit to be solved as quickly as possible. The judge stated, "If both side would like to set a settlement date that will not be open to the public, that can be arranged," and urged both sides to come to a mutual agreement.
It can be seen that the judge believes it will be better for the two sides to start fresh as quickly as possible rather than have a tiring fight in court.
On the other hand, on the 20th, 120,000 fans submitted petitions against SME's unlawful contract to the Seoul District Courts where the trial is being held.
Source: [asiae+DNBN]
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Indo SUM :
Baik SM maupun ketiga membet Tohoshinki menginginkan agar kasus ini dapat segera selesai..,,
Hakim menyatakan bila keduanya menginginkan sembuah kondisi yang tertutup untuk umum, maka hal itu dapat di usahakan..,, Hakim juga membujuk agar kedua belah pihak dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan jalan damai ( berunding) dari pada menyelesaikannya dengan jalan yang bakal cukup melelahkan di pengadilan..,,
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