SM Entertainment, with which Dong Bang Shin Ki member Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun and Xiah JunSu has have a dispute with, came out to reveal their official stand.
SM Entertainment said on 3rd August, “Dong Bang Shin Ki has earn 11billion KRW from after their debut till 2009 July (dividend payout 9.2 billion KRW + beforehand provision 1.77 billion KRW). Also they also received many high-end foreign products in the process even though SM Entertainment was suffering from a business deficit in the 4 years after the group’s debut. And even though there is a distributive ratio, they would have raised it with proftis from their endorsement in CFs, doing events and also photoshoots.”
And about how the 3 members have said that they were given unjust treatment, SM Entertainment said, “About their health and schedule, we have discussed them before they were put through it.”
And about the cosmetic enterprise, SM said, “Looking at this case, this holds substantial reasons to it. It is evident since there is only 3 members involved in this case. They wanted to reduce the loss of image and harm to them as soon as possible with this plan as they will be used for the enterprise in terms of having their images used as part of marketing and also to participate in events for the enterprise.”
Also, “According to the Fair Trade commission, there is no provision saying that singers cannot be signed for beyond a period of 7 years, and there is no exceptional provision limiting the contract of singers promoting overseas. We did amendments to the exclusive rights clause for 5 times after the contract was contracted, 2 times were to address the compensation of loss, and after checking and confirmation by the Fair Trade Commission. The rest of the 3 times were to address the profits distribution ratio and for renewal – in 2004 January, then in 2007 February and 2009 February.”
SM “We will solve this case with the 3 members regarding the application for retractile in the contract and the lawsuit confrontation as soon as possible.”
Credits: sookyoung
Sharedby: DBSKnights + leader-sshi
Aku gag terlalu mengerti maksud dari teks ini..,, (muup kalo rada salah pengertian..,)
Tapi dari yang aku tangkap:
SM menyatakan bahwa Tohoshinki’s member sudah dpt 11billion KRW sejak mereka debut ampe July 2009 (n masih ada tambahan2 dari CF) padahal SM sendiri sempat mengalami defisit diwaktu TVXQ bisa mendapatkan uang ampe 11billion KRW itu...,, ~ kalo gitu, kenapa gag keluarin ajah semua kuitansi keuangan TVXQ sama SM, biar lebih terbuka,.. Apa karena takut???~
Selain itu,SM berusaha mengelak dari apa yang dibebankan pada mereka..,,
SM mengelak dari beban pertama yaitu masalah Jadwal kerja yang tinggi, mereka bilang bahwa sebelum jadwal di berikan, pihak SM sudah mendiskusikannya dengan para member Tohoshinki...,,,
Beban yang kedua,buat yang masalah Crebeau punya JaeYooSu (dari yang aku tangkap), SM menyatakan kalau, Crebeau ini menjadi salah satu sebab dari ditandatanganinya lawsuit oleh ketiga member Tohoshinki tersebut, menurut SM, penandatanganan lawsuit ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan image Crebeau, secara hanya 3 orang yang tanda tangan..,, (haaaahhh, sudah kuduga, SM bakal pake ketidak ikutan HoMin buat melawan JaeYooSu T-T)
Dan buat beban yang ketiga yaitu masalah kontrak, SM bilang kalo menurut Trade commission gag ada yang melarang kontrak yang lebih dari 7tahun dan juga gag ada aturan buat pembatasan kontrak artis overseas.,, SM menyatakan, bahwa pihaknya sudah melakukan amandemen sebanyak 5 kali setelah kontark sditandatangani, 2 kali untuk “compensasi of loss” dan yang 3 berikutnya untuk masalah pembagian profit (2004 January, then in 2007 February and 2009 February)..,, SM menyatakan bahwa pihaknya akan segera menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan ketiga member Tohoshinki tersebut..,,
Gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...,, kesel aku bacanya...,,
Mau ampekapan mereka ngelak terus *angry*
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