T/N: I know that this has been released a while ago, but since I believe that not all of you have read this or have had time to track back to this; O! Japanese translators decided to translate this article again and we took care of every word to make sure that this translation conveys Avex's statement accurately. We have checked back Avex website time to time, and their statement has not changed since August, so this is the current official stand of Avex regarding this issue.
Regarding Tohoshinki
August 6th, 2008
AVEX Entertainment Co. Ltd.
Regarding Tohoshinki
The three members of Tohoshinki, Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun, have filed an application for a provisional suspension of the effects of their exclusive contract against their company, S.M.Entertainment Co.Ltd. (Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea), to the Korean court. Regarding this matter, the three members said, "This provisional suspension application does not imply that Tohoshinki will disband by any means."
S.M.Entertainment Co.Ltd. also stated, "Tohoshinki is not as such that belongs to an individual or a corporation; but rather, it is a group that represents Korea, as well as Asia. For that reason, we would like to have Tohoshinki's activities to be continued." Based on their statements, both parties expressed that they do not wish for Tohoshinki's disbandment.
Regarding the continuation of Tohoshinki's activities in Japan, our company has also received a response from S.M.Entertainment Co.Ltd. that said, "Basically, the (three) members and their law firm both desire to continue their activities in Japan."
We would like to apologize to everyone for all the worries and troubles that this has caused. We will continue to do our very best to support Tohoshinki's activities in Japan, just the same way as we had done until now, so please continue to warmly support and watch over them.
Always Keep The Faith!
Source: http://toho-jp.net/
Translation: linhkawaii and junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Special thanks: smiley and diana© @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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