Sunday, November 29, 2009

[VOTE TUTORIAL] Voting for Melon Awards

[This tutorial is pretty crappy, didn't really do a good job on it.....but i hope it helps T T]
So, let's start off by clicking on the link below:

1: The page will look like this ^^

melon 1

2: Then choose your option, and press the orange button.

melon 2

3: And again, choose your option and press the orange button~

melon 3

4: You can see the options you chose for respective categories. Change your mind? Then go back and change them by selecting the 'EDIT' button. (DBSK동방신기 is in both the 2009 Star and 2009 Mania category)

melon 4

5: When you reach the last category, press the orange button again to submit all your votes.

melon 5

6: A box will pop up showing this. Press 'OK'.

melon 6
Says 'You have already voted today. Sign tupyohaeju again tomorrow.'
[Google translated it. Please dont kill meeeee... I don't know Korean!!! -.-]
7: You will be navigated to this page (shown below).

melon 7
[I guess.....ignore the orange button shown~ lol! I think its for melon members to vote with their accounts]
Google translated the text on the orange button and the pop up box that shows up if you press the button. Reads:
Start voting
Sign in melon and can vote. Would you like to login?
ID / password to enter.

8: Press on the link I gave you to vote again.(Once per day until December 16,2009)
[I heard that the voting is unlimited, so keep on voting?!o.o]


Credits: DBSKnights


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