Friday, October 30, 2009

[NEWS] Bigeast Fanmail + Tohomobile

Yeahhhhhh… I’ll try to find a good idea, and mailing u as soon as I can !!!


Hello Bigeast members.

In order to prepare for 『Bigeast 4th FANCLUB EVENT』, we're asking the members who are attending the event to participate in the planning project.

■What if the members were to act in a movie?

If Tohoshinki was to act as a character in a movie, what member would be in it? In what movie? What kind of character?

Survey form can be accessed both via PC and cell phone.

The form is here → (PC/cell phone)

☆Survey time: 2009/10/30 (Fri)12:00~2009/11/30 (Mon)12:00

T/N: example from the website-


→ Yoochun

■What movie?

→ Pirates of the Caribbean

■What character?

→ Jack Sparrow


→ Because I think that they look like each other...

■Someone who looks like Tohoshinki in your neighborhood!

We are asking you to take pictures of people or pets in your neighborhood who look like Tohoshinki! If you think there is someone or some pet who look like Tohoshinki, please take a picture and send it to us!

Application form can only be accessed via PC.

The form is here → (PC only)

☆Application time: 2009/10/30 (Fri)12:00~2009/11/30 (Mon)12:00

Even if you are not selected to go to the event, please also participate in this project!

2009/10/30 from Bigeast


■From Tohomobile:

Tohomobile is also launching various new projects and features to celebrate its 2nd anniversary, so please also look forwards to that.

T/N: the projects for the fanmeeting can only be participated by Bigeast members because you have to fill in your membership number. Since I think this is very fun, if you have interesting ideas for the movie project or a picture that you want to submit, email/PM me and I'll help you to submit it with my membership. My email is 




Source: Bigeast Fanmail + Tohomobile + linhkawaii

Translation: linhkawaii @

Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Shared by : OneTVXQ + leader-sshi

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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