(T/N: 135 1/2-2)
CM: Tohoshinki Bigeastation. Today, Changmin, (Lol)
YC: Junsu, and…
JS: Yoochun!
All: Yeah~~~~~~
CM: Please enjoy today’s program.
JS: Please!
CM: When this season comes, we are talking every year about autumn.
YC: Kie~~~~~~ Autumn is my, my (favorite) season. Oh, I’m sorry.
CM: I have a question this year. That is, who is the “Aki otoko” (T/N: autumn man) for Tohoshinki?
JS: Do you have the word “Aki otoko” (in Japanese)?
CM: I don’t know. (Lol) Which Tohoshinki member has the image that’s most fitting for autumn?
YC: Ah~~~~~ That’s already decided!
JS: No, it isn’t.
YC: Oh, yes. Let’s decide.
CM: Well, if Jaejoong, who calls himself the summer and winter man, was here, I think he will say again that he is also the autumn man, so…
YC: (Lol)
CM: I am bringing this topic up today, when he is not here.
All: (Lol)
JS: Yes, certainly…
YC: High-five!
CM: On purpose.
JS: Yes, certainly, Jaejoong will say so.
CM: True.
YC: Yes.
CM: So the question for the two of you, “Who do you think is Tohoshinki’s autumn man?”
YC: The four, excluding Jaejoong.
JS: Excluding Jaejoong.
CM: Umm… Yes.
YC: To be honest, Jaejoong is not a winter man.
JS: He is a night man, night!
CM: (Lol)
YC: Night man!
YC&JS: Night man, night man!
YC: No, not night. MIDNIGHT!
JS: Midnight!
CM: Ah~~~
JS: Midnight! That’s the word! Good answer!
YC: I think that I’m the autumn man.
CM: Ummm…
JS: No, you aren’t.
YC: (Lol)
JS: I don’t think Yoochun is the autumn man. Yoochun, you have the feeling of spring.
YC: Changmin, after broadcasting, shall I treat you to curry udon?
CM: No, you don’t need to.
YC: Sorry.
YC&CM: (Lol)
JS: Autumn fits with Junsu, don’t you think so?
YC: Yes.
CM: To summarize,
YC: Yes.
CM: Tohoshinki’s autumn men are,
YC: Yoochun.
CM: The four members, excluding Jaejoong!
All: Wow~~~~~~~ (claps)
CM: This is the first time (we were defined of our seasons).
JS: Jaejoong is the midnight man.
YC: Yes, midnight.
CM: So, Tohoshinki BIGEASTATION, today’s opening number, Tohoshinki,
All: “Endlessly Sweet.”
“TOHO KENBUNROKU” (T/N: Is there a fixed word for it? I’m not sure. It can be translated as “TOHO Record of Personal Experiences”)
CM: We will send to you the “Toho Kenbunroku.”
YC: Yeah~~~~~~
CM: In this corner, music, movies, favorite places, and gourmet, we will introduce to you the items that Tohoshinki like best.
JS: Yes.
CM: The person in charge of this corner today is,
YC: Ah~~~~ Autumn man, Yoochun.
JS: Yes. Let’s go!
CM: Yoochun, please tell us what you will introduce today.
YC: Today, I will recommend movies!
JS: Movies again!!
CM: Yoochun, are you going to introduce movies, too?
JS: Don’t you have any other topic to talk about?
YC: (Lol)
JS: That isn’t funny. Change the topic!
CM: But Yoochun already prepared for this, so…
YC: Oh, I’m sorry.
CM: So the topic is, for three times in a row, movies.
JS: Yes, three times in a row.
YC: Really? Three times?
JS: Yes, but…
YC: I like movies.
JS: Please skip the topic today.
YC: It can’t be helped. But the movie I’ll introduce today is,
CM: Umm.
YC: Not famous, so,
CM: Ummmm.
YC: I don’t think many people have watched it.
CM: Ummmmmm.
YC: So I want to recommend the movie to you.
CM: I see.
JS: I see.
CM: That sounds interesting.
JS: Try your best!
YC: (Lol)
CM: Junsu, you’re talking in a patronizing way. So Yoochun, tell us about your recommended movie.
YC: The title of the movie is, “ANA,” “THE HOLE”!
CM: “Ana”? (T/N: Ana means “The Hole”)
JS: What?
JS&CM: What?
CM: That is a meaningful title. So Yoochun, please introduce the movie.
YC: The title is “The Hole.”
JS: Yes.
CM: Umm.
YC: This song, oh, not this song, this movie was (Lol)
CM: Umm.
YC: On the year 2001.
CM: Umm.
YC: Released in the UK.
JS: Ohhh~~~~~~ UK!
CM: Ummm.
YC: And in Japan, I think it was released in 2002.
CM: Ummm.
JS: Yes.
YC: It’s not a famous movie.
CM: Ummm.
YC: I don’t think many people watched the movie.
JS: Umm.
YC: The movie gives you a strong impression, so I want to introduce the movie to you.
CM: Ummmmm.
JS: Oh~~~~
YC: The genre of the movie is,
CM: Ummm.
YC: A thriller.
JS: Oh, a thriller movie?
YC: It is almost a thriller, and it is mysterious.
JS: I see.
CM: Mysterious thriller?
YC: Yes. That kind of movie, and when you watch the movie, you recall Junsu.
JS: Why? Why? Why?
YC: It isn’t pure.
CM: Ummmm.
YC: Has the image of Zombie.
JS: Does Zombie appear?
YC: No, it doesn’t appear.
JS: Then…
YC: Sorry.
JS: So the title “The Hole.” “The Hole” has a major meaning?
YC: Yes, it has.
JS: What is it?
YC: In this movie, there were four students.
CM: Ummm.
JS: Students?
YC: Two boys and two girls.
JS: I see.
YC: During school break,
JS&CM: Oh~
YC: They didn’t want to go back home.
JS: Oh~~
CM: Seems like street toughs…
YC: (Lol) Maybe true.
JS: I see.
YC: So the four held a party in a mysterious hole for three days.
JS: Oh~~~~ With only four people?
YC: Yes. They said to their school that they would go back home, and to their homes, that they would stay at school and study.
JS: I see.
YC: The four lied, and had a party in a hole.
JS: Umm.
YC: The heroine is one of the girls.
JS: Umm.
YC: This girl liked one of the boys,
JS: Umm.
YC: But it seemed that the boy didn’t like the girl so much. So the girl locked the entrance to the hole on purpose, to appeal to the boy of her feelings.
JS: Oh.
YC: She locked the entrance, and lied that another person from outside did it.
JS: Oh.
CM: Umm.
YC: Maybe it was not three days, but a week, that they were locked in the hole, without water…
JS: Ah~~~~~
YC: That is the story.
JS: Oh.
YC: In the end, the boy began to like the girl, and on the next day, they decided to go out. But on that very evening, one of the girls committed suicide.
JS: Why?
YC: Because she was in pain.
JS: Oh~~~
YC: No water, no food, bad air…
JS: Because they couldn’t go out?
YC: They couldn’t go out. There were some happenings,
CM: Ummm.
YC: Everyone died.
JS: They died?
YC: They died. Everyone except the heroine died. Afterwards, she lied, and said that she was not the person guilty.
JS: It’s not a happy ending.
YC: It’s not a happy ending.
CM: Because it’s a thriller.
YC: So it is.
JS: I want to see the movie.
YC: For the contents.
CM: Umm.
YC: Some are wasteful.
CM: Umm.
YC: But the construction is good.
CM: Umm.
JS: Thank you very much.
YC: It’s a good movie.
JS: Good!
YC: Please watch the movie.
JS: Yes! It’s our recommendation!
CM: So today, Yoochun introduced the movie “Ana,” “The Hole.” Thank you very much.
JS: Thank you very much!
CM: For the next program, who will introduce what? Please look forward to our topics. So that was the corner “Toho Kenbunroku.”
YC: Let’s go on to our song. After watching the movie, I think that the song’s similar to it…
JS: The person who composed the song and the person who made the movie
YC&JS: The view of the world is,
YC: Similar.
JS: Similar?
YC: Everyone, please listen, from Tohoshinki,
All: “9095.”
CM Here we have information from us, Tohoshinki.
YC: Wow~
CM: First of all, a new double a-sided single from Jaejoong and Yoochun, “COLORS ~Melody and Harmony” and “Shelter” was released. Please, please, please continue to support it!
YC: Wow~~~~~
CM: And, Tohoshinki Live DVD “4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~The Secret Code~ FINAL in TOKYO DOME.”
YC: Wow~~~~~
CM: The DVD was also released, so please support us.
YC&JS: Please support us!
CM: Also, our radio program awaits your messages. Messages can be sent through our website www.jfn.co.jp/toho, www.jfn.co.jp/toho. The spelling of toho is T-O-H-O. Our photos taken during the recording can also be found on the website, so please check it out!
JS: Please~
"How Do You Say It in Korean - U-know?" Corner
CM: Next is "How Do You Say It in Korean - U-know?"
YC: Yeah~~
CM: Corner. In this corner, as the title itself says, we teach you,
JS&CM: U-know!
CM: A lesson. (T/N: Kouza)
JS: Kouza.
CM: (Lol) How to say the words in Korean.
CM: We received many messages again today. Thank you so much!
YC&JS: Yes~
CM: Let’s begin sharing them.
YC: Okay, then I will start!
JS&CM: Yes, please.
YC: Radio name, “Please stay the way you are, Changmin.” Urrgh! (screams)
CM: That;s nice. (calm)
YC: 26 years old.
CM: I like myself just as I am, too.
JS: But I thought it might be a man.
YC: No, she’s a lady.
CM: Hehehe~
CM: Then please read.
YC: Yes. "My favorite phrase in the song 'Kiss the Baby Sky' is
'Please stay the way you are'..."
CM: Um...
JS: (interrupts) Which part was that?
YC: "How do you say it in Korean?"
JS: Ah~
CM: "Please stay just as you are."
YC: (sings) Please stay the way you are~
JS&YC: (sings) With me~
JS: Okay.
YC: Well actually, when I first wrote this song, this phrase, I made it for Junsu.
CM: Ah~~ To make Junsu sing that part?
YC: Well...
JS: That’s not my part.
YC: Well, I think Junsu’s changing nowadays.
CM: You mean his personality?
YC: Well... He’s very different from before. The opposite.
JS: What?
YC: The opposite.
YC: He doesn’t have a newcomer’s attitude anymore.
JS: Eukyangkyang! (Lol)
JS: No, that’s not true~~
CM: Ah~ You mean, he became rude (arrogant)?
JS: No way!
JS: I still am...
YC: Still?
JS: My heart's engine is turning around (working) still.
(T/N: Very unique Japanese words created by Junsu… ^^)
YC: (Lol) (Lol) (Lol) (claps hands)
YC: Wow, that’s too funny!
CM: (calm) Ah, according to Junsu, huh?
YC: (still laughing) The heart's engine is turning around. (Lol)
CM: (T/N: calmly bringing them back to the subject matter. ^^)
Well anyhow, then, "Please stay the way you are" in Korean.
YC: Yes. "Please stay the way you are" in Korean.
JS: Jigeum geudaero isseojyo. / 지금 그대로 있어죠.
YC: Jigeum geudaero isseojyo.
YC: Jigeum geudaero isseojyo.
CM: Sigh~
YC: Urrrgh!
JS: Yeongwonhi /영원히, eternally.
JS: Yeongwonhi, jigeum geudaero isseojyo. (Please stay the way you are eternally.)
CM: Then the next mail! Let's go on.
YC: Yes.
CM: Then Junsu.
JS: Yes.
JS: I like Junsu's husky voice. From Yuki.
I like Miki. (Radio name)
CM: Um.
JS: "Hi,TVXQ! Thank you always for the very enjoyable time. I am the same age as Yoochun and Junsu."
YC: Ah.
JS: "In Japan, when we are the same age, we say, "doukyusei," or "onaidoshi," or "tame,"
all kinds of ways to say it. How do you call a person who is the same age as you
in Korean? And also, remembering the story of Jun-chan's kouhai (junior) episode,
how do you say “junior” or “senior” in Korean?"
(T/N: In the previous Bigeastation, in the summer of 2009, Junsu was asked to share a
kowai (scary) story, but instead, he shared a kouhai (school junior) story.)
JS: That is the question~. First of all, the person who is of the same age in Korean, is basically the same in Japanese, "Dong geup saeng /동급생."
(T/N: In Chinese,"同級生” is written the same way in Japanese and in Korean.)
CM&YC: Dong geup saeng, dong geup saeng.
JS: Dokyusei (person of the same age) is...
All: Dong geup saeng.
JS: The word same age similar to "tame," there exists such word like that... It’s "Donggeup/동급."
CM&YC: Donggeup.
JS: Same age must be "donggeup ."
YC: Chingu.
JS: That is “friend.”
YC: Friend.
JS: And…
YC: What about “nakama”? (T/N: colleague, friend)
JS: Nakama is...
YC: Dongnyo /동료.
JS: Nakama is “dongnyo.”
JS: That is...
CM: Not related to the question.
JS: That’s not related to this question. Yes.
CM: Then.
JS: Junior is "hubae /후배."
YC: Hubae.
All: Senior is "Seonbae /선배."
JS: Hubae, seonbae.
JS: Junior, senior, hubae, seonbae.
YC: It’s similar.
JS: It’s similar.
YC: Senior is similar. Senior.
YC&JS: Seonbae.
JS: Junior, hubae. Oh, not so similar. (Lol) But a bit similar.
YC: Okay now Changmin, please.
JS: Yes.
CM: Okay, here I go. Radio name “Akichi.”
YC: Oh.
CM: "My sister's marriage has been decided."
YC&JS: Oh~~~~!!
CM: "I’m so happy. My sister who likes Yoochun a lot, I would like to say..."
YC: Yaah... I feel sad...
CM: "How do you say, congratulations on your marriage?"
CM&JS: Congratulations on your marriage.
YC: Well...
CM: The one who likes Yuchun.
YC: Younger sister who likes me a lot.
JS: Younger sister.
YC: With a different...
JS: Even then, with a different...
YC: A guy, with a different guy.
JS: A different guy. Well, please wait.
YC: It is like a PV of " Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattan Darou?"
(Why have I fallen in love with you?)
CM: Marriage and love...
YC: I’m going to get married. (T/N: talking like girl). Ah~~
CM: Love is not enough to get married. (T/N: Another unique phrase by CM. ^^)
JS: Please sing this one. "Not me~~ Next to you, receiving the blessings..."
YC: Marriage is...
JS: (still singing) "How would I send you out~~"
CM: Please stop that.
YC: Excuse me. Is it possible to cut off Junsu's microphone?
JS: (Lol)
CM: Well anyhow, congratulations on your marriage.
YC: Congratulations on your marriage. From the bottom of my heart.
CM: Yuchun will say it.
YC: “Gyeolhon chukhahae /결혼 축하해.” Arrrrrrrrrrrgh~~~
CM: (calm) Gyeolhon chukhahae.
JS&CM: Gyeolhon chukhahae.
YC: It’s kind of sad.
JS: Marriage is “gyeolhon.”
YC: Ah~
JS: Congratulations.
CM: Congratulations.
JS&CM: Chukhahae.
CM: Well, by the way, when would you two like to get married?
JS: Ah~~
YC: I would’ve liked to do it last year.
CM: You wanted to get married last year?
YC: (Lol) No, I wanted to get married last year. (Lol)
JS: Wanted to do?
YC: No, I wanted to do it last year.
(T/N: Yoochun isn’t making any sense here. ^^ He thinks it’s funny. Lol)
JS: I see. (T/N: Junsu is used to Yoochun's jokes. ^^)
YC: What about you, Changmin?
CM: I would like to get married when I'm past 30.
YC: Ah~~
JS: I would like to get married before I turn 30.
YC: I think Junsu...
JS: I would like to.
YC: ...cannot get married until he dies. (Lol)
JS: Well, if I cannot marry, then I will disturb Yoochun so that he will not be able to get married either.
YC: (Lol)
JS: This marriage is impossible. No good!
YC&JS: No way~~
JS: Yes, Yes, that way.
CM: Tohoshinki Bigeastation, once again, it is time to say goodbye. (Lol)
YC: Yeah~~~~~
CM: Our radio program looks forward to receiving your messages. "Please Answer Me," "How Do You Say It in Korean," "Toho Psychology," and "Love Story Lovin’ you" corners are waiting for your messages. Please send your message to…
YC: Our homepage is www.jfn.co.jp/toho, www.jfn.co.jp/toho. Please click on ‘mail.’ TOHO’s spelling is T-O-H-O. Please send us lots of message.
CM: All right, what did you think of today’s program? Especially, Yoochun’s recommendation on~
YC: Curry udon! (Lol)
CM: Oh, not that one, but~
YC: “The Hole.”
CM: Movie.
YC: “The Hole.”
JS: “The Hole.”
CM: I would truly like to watch the movie.
YC: Yes. Yes. Yes. It’s really interesting, I think that Changmin is,
CM: Umm.
YC: Similar to
JS: When for the first time. ..
YC: the heroine.
JS: I heard the title “The Hole.”
CM: Ummm.
JS: I first thought that the movie had something to do with golf.
YC: …Today was funny.
YC&CM: (Lol)
JS: Oh my…
CM: Yes, it was funny! So… (Lol)
JS: You can’t speak.
CM: If you have time, please watch the movie.
YC: Please.
CM: (Lol) That’s all for today.
YC: Yes.
CM: Let’s meet again next time. Today, the hosts were Changmin,
YC: Yoochun, and
JS: Junsu.
All: Goodbye!
Source: Bigeastation + XXIAHAIXX @ YouTube
Translation: smiley and junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Special thanks: diana© @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by : OneTVXQ + leader-sshi
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