Saturday, November 07, 2009

[NEWS] 091107: Barks News: No CD Selles Yet. "TOKIWO TOMETE".


TVXQ's new song "Tokiwo Tomete" had become the hot topic among fans.

Because with this music piece, it can only be heard at the movie theaters

or as the ringing song of the cell phones.

"Tokiwo tomete" is a ballad song by TVXQ which is used as the Menard commercial song

from August, 2009. To be able to listen to it through commercial only and listening only

for ten several seconds through the ringing song had made the fans to be anxious

to be able to listen to the full song.

In the end roll of "TOHOSHINKI THE LIVE 2009", which is showing nationwide in 19 places

in Japan at the present time, about 3 minutes 40 second of "Tokiwo Tomete"'

has been shared with the audiences.

It was a surprise present to the fans with no announcement,

but the most of the fans notice this unfamiliar music shared at the theaters.

And this subject matter has already become the hot topic among the fans.

The hopes of the CD sells for this ballad music and the inquiries

are increasing rapidly at the same time too. However at this point of time,

it seems to be that the release news of this CD has not yet been delivered.

This excellent ballad song can currently be listened as a whole only in theaters for now.

Always Keep The Faith!





Source: Barks News

Translated by:

Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! } + leader-sshi

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!



Note from Junsulv :

I smell some thing here, Barks and Avex is connected, right?

So they are trying to make us more excited about this news song,

by releasing such news like this? What do you say? ^^


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