Yunho's Message
“Thank you very much for all the love you’ve been giving to me.
Due to your love we have finished filming HTTG successfully.
You guys believe in me and support me, so I’ll try harder next time.
Don’t forget to continue loving and supporting me”
In the previous article, I had written that I could not understand
the words which was written in the original website of Yoonhothailand.
Then our Graphic designer "♪. @ OneTVXQ" translated these words for us.
Yep she has a short web name and multi talented as she is the graphic designer who can translate well. ^^
And she does not know I am writing this article just now. Sorry and please bear with me ♪.! ^^
Here is the translation! Thanks to ♪.! ^^
Here we are with the photos of the heartfelt moments!
Looking at the pics made me so happy I actually cried a lot today TT___________________TT
I am truly touched.
Though all of my gratitude cannot be fully expressed,
I'd like to say thank you very very much.
If everyone has seen all of the photos,
Out of all people, I would like to thank the Korean cooks the most.
They cooked for the HTTG staffs at 2 am, and I am very grateful for that.
The filming was planned to be finished that day,
so the cooks had to go over to cook for the crew just in time.
The ajummas had worked so hard and hardly slept
as they passed our feelings of love over to Yunho Oppa.
Ajummas, I love you so much ^w^
These are only a few pics we have at the moment. We'll update later with more.
These pics that the ajummas had taken were the ones that showed
the outcome of our website's project and some sneak peaks around the filming crew that day.
Thank you very much, dear ajummas.
The pics might be a bit too dark and unclear - all of them were taken at 2 in the morning!!
The total amount of donation our website has received was 11,500 baht.
To those who participated in our project, thank you so much.
Those of you who missed the fun, fear not!
Stay tuned for more projects in the future^^
Now, let's have a look at the pics ^^
Source: Tarn_YHTH @
Translation: ♪. @
And this update does not end here. There is more!
The messages left from Yoonhothailand friends here at OneTVXQ! ^^
I'm Tarn_YHTH of Yoonhothailand, who posted that message..
The supporting is not only our site..
but we do the supporting with Korean and Chinesse Yoonho's fan site. ^^
Yeah!! ... Under the name of yoonho fans. Not only us... ^^
So, Thank you for you attention about what I said..
Note: She is the actual person who wrote this article at yoonhothailand! Wow!
And another friend from Yonnhothaiand left message at OneTVXQ as well.
Thank you so much friends from yoonhothailand!
I am a member of Yoonhothailand.
I am very excited when obtain this message.
I will continually support Yunho....
One World, One Red Ocean, One TVXQ!
[Cassiopeia] We are the one. Eternally. Always Keep The Faith
(YT: By Tiffany.)
And you know what?! I did not ask these two friends about this. Sorry bow. m(__)m
(Dear friends please PM me if you want me to take these comments off from here, Okay?
These are the comments you left at the previous yoonhothailand article. Thanks! ^^)
I wanted to share these messages here so that yoonhothailand friends would read them.
One of them is O! Donors and another is O! Publishers. They left their warm comments
to yoonhothailand along with other super nice world wide friends here at OneTVXQ
who left many nice comments and cheers to yoonhothailand friends.
Writtn by xYunHo: O! Donors. ^^
Wow, those are like TRUCKLOADS of gifts for yunho and the staff! D: xD
Thai cassie's are so awesome! I love how wonderful they are,
for even thinking about the staff as well<3>
Written by infinity O! Publishers. ^^
YHTH is quite the fanclub ~ .
They have done such a great deed!
I hope we can do that one day ^^ .
It would be pretty awesome .
And thank you YHTH for taking care of leader-sshi for everyone who couldn't help out <3>
Always Keep The Faith!!
Credits: Yoonhothailand, Tarn_YHTH @
Translation: ♪. @
Special thanks: Tarn_YHTH & YH_HY @ Yoonhothailand + infinity & xYunHo @
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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