I joined 091020 and my number is 1533**.
091026: Today, my son joined, and his number is 156***
I joined half a month ago and my number is 1501**
Does that mean, 6,000 more fans joined in less than half a months?! wow
I joined on 091030, and my number is 157*** Amazing!
T/N: That means Bigeast is expanding around 10,000 in one months! WOW!
Always Keep The Faith!
Source: Bigeast
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by : OneTVXQ + leader-sshi
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!
Mes from Junsulv :
TN: Yesterday, Linhkawaii had reported TOHOSHINKI LIVE 2009 from Japan.
She let us know that Menard CM's full song was shared at the theater.
That means, there are at least five news songs waiting to be placed in an album (and singles);
Endlessly Sweet, Color, Shelter, Break Out and Menard CM song (Tokiwo tomete (Stop the time),
shall we expect an album release soon? Then, it will be Oricon number 1 again
and then TVXQ may win Record Taisho this year?! YEY! Go! TVXQ!! [Yeah…. Hope it can be real !!!]
And then the world tour (please~~ Avex! ^^)?! Please~~~lol
and in the mean time they shall win to perform at their home town in Korea
for their great love Cassiopeia!!
Let us keep on buying CD's and DVD's from Avex to continue
to support them at where we are!! YEAH!!
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