Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[NEWS] One Step Ahead of You: Sah Saeng Fans


Who would you consider as the most hardcore fan of a celebrity? Someone who has watched every single one of their idols performances? Someone who spends 12 hours a day on the forums praising their idol? Someone who runs a website dedicated to their favorite celebrity? That probably is as far as a foreign fan of a Korean idol could go. A few crazed Korean fans, however, decided to take it another step - and follow their idol. By follow, I don't mean check up on the news about them every day and memorize the shows they'll be on - by follow, I mean physically follow them around. They're known as "Sah Saeng Fans" (사생팬), where Sah Saeng is short for Sah Saeng Hwal, which means "private life." As the term suggests, these girls' hobby is to observe the stars' personal lives. Let's take a look at some examples.

Jane, a high school student from Seoul, decided to attend DBSK's Chang Won concert. Most fans from Seoul took a train down there, but Jane and her 3 friends decided to take a cab. It ended up costing them 550k Won ($460), which is double the price of a bullet train ticket for four people. However, Jane thinks it was money well spent. Her cab followed the van that DBSK was in, and surely enough, the van pulled into a rest stop. The ride to Chang Won takes about 4-5 hours, and even DBSK needed to eat and use the washroom. Jane's cab followed the van into the rest stop, which is an ideal place for a Sah Saeng fan because there aren't many other fans trying to get DBSK's attention and the tired manager doesn't show much hostility. Jane was lucky enough to pass her gift onto DBSK herself and even got to eat right beside them. Definitely worth the money, isn't it?

Read the full article HERE

Written by: delacroix


Shared by : + leader-sshi


Indo SUM :

Wooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww, ada fans luar biasa lowh yang disebut “Sah Saeng Fans” dimana mereka akan pergi dengan menggunakan Taxi untuk menghadiri suatu Konser yang diikuti idola mereka, dan meminta sopir taxi untuk mengikuti mobil idola mereka dan ikut berhneti di tempat idola mereka beristirahat untuk bertemu, stalking signature - pic, memberikan hadiah buatan mereka, dsb, karena pada saat – saat seperti itulah biasanya para fans lain tidak ada, dan manager pun bersikap lebih bersahabat..,,

Indo SUM : leader-sshi

Shared by : leader-sshi


Emmmmmmmmmmm, menurutku itu akan sedikit merepotkan sang idola… Tapi kalau pun DBSK ke Indo, aku pun akan melakukan hal yang sama… ho ho ho

So??? It’ is bad or not ??? Who knows ???


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